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This is nature's answer to a common problem.

Our Quick & Effective Night Leg Cramp Remedy

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: Can I get this in a nearby store?
Answer: Yes, you can check our Find A Retailer page to see if there is a retailer near you.

Question: Do I understand you correctly that I can take one swig of your tonic before bedtime?
Answer: You only need one to two capfuls.

Can Old Amish Muscle Tonic be taken prior to participating in sports?
Absolutely! Marathon runners, joggers, cyclists, swimmers and gymnasts, as well as athletes who participate in football, soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis, rugby and volleyball can take one or two capsful prior to participating in their sporting events.

Question: Are there any well known sports teams that use your Amish Muscle Tonic recipe?
Answer: Yes, the Stanley Cup Champion Los Angeles Kings hockey team does and has for some time.

The bottle says the product contains Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, ginger juice, garlic juice and citric acid. Is there anything else at all in the product?
No. There is no gluten, no chemicals, nothing except the ingredients listed. What makes the product unique is the kind of apples used and the unusual proportions of ginger juice and garlic juice. It's those ingredients plus an unusual blending technique called "stacked blending" - that makes the product truly unique.

Question: Does the kind of apples used in the organic vinegar make a difference in how it works?
Answer: Oh, absolutely.

Isn't apple cider vinegar acidy?
Yes, about the same acidity or pH as your favorite soft drink.

How long has this product been around?
The mixture of these ingredients in the special balanced formulation has probably been used for over a 100 years in both U.S. and by Amish and Mennonites in Europe.

Who developed and created this special formula?
No one seems to know or remember. When the Amish and Mennonites came to this country they brought with them a great many old recipes and natural products from Europe which are still used today.

Question: Does the garlic have a bad smell or does it leave a "garlic breath"?
Answer: No, the garlic used is odorless and tasteless in the mixture.

What is the shelf life of Old Amish Muscle Tonic?
A bottle will generally keep for 2 - 3 years.

Question: Is it necessary to keep the product in the refrigerator?
Answer: Not at all. You actually never have to keep it in the refrigerator. We recommend that it be in the refrigerator because it seems to taste better when cold. No other reason. Some people keep it in a drawer in the nightstand all the time.

Question: How long will a bottle normally last a person?
Answer: One bottle can last the average person two to three months.

Is the certified organic apple cider vinegar in the recipe filtered or unfiltered and does it have "mother"?
It's unfiltered and does indeed have "mother".

Can I take the product before going to bed at night?
Yes, and it works very well that way. Some athletes take the product before an event.

Can you tell me about the taste and smell of the product?
The organic apple cider vinegar is the predominate taste and odor and it is strong. The garlic adds no taste or odor at all. Ginger is neutral - no odor and no taste. Getting past the strong strong taste is worth it to almost everyone.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.

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