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Amish Digestion Tonic Logo

Our old Amish formula promotes healthy digestion.
Individual results may vary.

This unique stomach and gut health* product was discovered by the Amish
while they were still in Europe and brought to this country sometime in the 1880's. We find
it curious that it has never before been made generally available to the greater population.

Carefully Balanced Ingredients:

A mixture of unfiltered raw apple cider vinegar, juice from the ginger plant and just the right amount of
natural garlic juice in special combination. Gluten free.

One bottle is usually enough for 2 to 3 months for most people.
(You only take it when you need it.)

Our Money Back Guarantee
(Click here)

An old Amish formula still made the old-fashioned way by Caleb Treeze Organic Farm.

For pricing information, click the Order button at the top of the page.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.

All major credit cards acceptedWe accept PayPal
To order by credit card, click here.

To order by sending us your check click here.

Ordering from Canada? For Canadian orders Click here.

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Caleb Treeze Organic Farm, 624 Ruberta Rd., Glendale, CA 91201 / Email: Contact@StopsAcidReflux.com

This website was last updated on November 20, 2024.